BCF invests in sustainability with new modified alcohol washing systems

BCF’s path towards sustainability is a convinced and structured one which has recently led the company to invest in new modified alcohol washing systems to replace the perchloroethylene-based ones present so far.


Investing in sustainability

“We have chosen this new path with a view to more conscious and ethical development: a key approach that has become increasingly central in our company’s policies” commented Gian Maria Degano, Managing Director of BCF.


The importance of washing for the quality of the product offered

Washing is a fundamental phase for many of the company’s products. It is used to degrease and remove shavings or dust from processes before the subsequent welding and/or finishing phases, thus guaranteeing products totally free of impurities and suitable for use in all applications, even the most sensitive, or where the presence of gases requiring perfectly clean pipes and fittings is expected.


The advantages of alcohol washing

Given the limitations that perchloroethylene systems have on the sustainability front, BCF committed to identifying an alternative solution through alcohol-based products with a degreasing power similar to that of chlorinated solvents. The alcoholic solutions chosen are able to guarantee strong degreasing, to evaporate completely without leaving residues and to have a significantly reduced impact on the environment.


The combination of sustainability and production efficiency

“It fills us with pride – continues the Managing Director – to have taken this further step towards a greener and safer future for our children, but above all to demonstrate, once again, that ethics, environmental sustainability and production efficiency are not conflicting elements, but they can coexist to offer better opportunities for everyone.”