Continuous commitment to environmental sustainability with new water bottles signed BCF

All BCF employees were given personalized water bottles to use daily at work (but also in their free time for those who enjoy it!), thus avoiding the huge every day consumption of single-use plastic bottles.
It is also through these small daily gestures that we want to strive for greater sustainability by triggering meaningful changes for us and for the planet.

The new water distribution system

With the delivery of the reusable bottles, the water distribution system has also changed, and the bonuses offered to all employees on a daily basis can now be used no longer at the old plastic bottle dispensers, but for refilling water through the new dispensers introduced.

A commitment to the planet

Considering that a plastic bottle, if not recycled, takes up to 1,000 years to dispose of and that 80 percent of marine pollution is plastic, we are confident that by changing these small habits in the company as well, we can contribute in doing something important for the planet, our future and our health.